Determined to provide activities for our members in 2021, despite pandemic restrictions, Shelagh (our Trips and Talks Organiser) led the way with online Art History talks that have been a great success.
Workshops delivered online were another new venture. Tutors suited to the circumstances were selected – people needed to be uplifted, inspired, encouraged! Reaching out to the wider community also meant that some attendees would not have traditional art materials and equipment so our tutors structured their workshops to suit unusual circumstances. FAS delivered these online workshops free of charge to all participants to provide our community with some creative stimulation during a difficult period of time...
Maggie Hollinshead’s Creative Confidence was a stimulating, entertaining workshop that was enjoyed by budding artists from the age of eight to those looking to rediscover the joy of creativity that were up to seven decades older! Delightful responses to the workshop can be viewed here.
Drawing & Painting for Mindfulness & Creativity was with art tutor Emma Burleigh. Again, there was a wide range of experience as well as an open-minded approach using simple pens, pencils, crayons and paints. Wonderful comments and a few pieces (it was a very personal, mindful workshop so not so much sharing of work) can be viewed here.
George Boyter was warmly welcomed in our first 'real' face to face workshop in September - Drawing Unocked! Everyone had a productive day, with some very complimentary feedback, and George commented "We had a great session yesterday - please let the participants know that I enjoyed our time together. They all did so well."
Our final workshop for 2021 An Introduction to Impressionistic Watercolours with Catherine Beale really brightened up November! Participants were introduced to a specific style of watercolour and were able to explore behaviours of the paints as well as other textures. Watercolours have proved to be a popular choice in earlier feedback, and with this workshop having a waiting list watercolours are very likely to be included in 2022 workshops.
Workshops delivered online were another new venture. Tutors suited to the circumstances were selected – people needed to be uplifted, inspired, encouraged! Reaching out to the wider community also meant that some attendees would not have traditional art materials and equipment so our tutors structured their workshops to suit unusual circumstances. FAS delivered these online workshops free of charge to all participants to provide our community with some creative stimulation during a difficult period of time...
Maggie Hollinshead’s Creative Confidence was a stimulating, entertaining workshop that was enjoyed by budding artists from the age of eight to those looking to rediscover the joy of creativity that were up to seven decades older! Delightful responses to the workshop can be viewed here.
Drawing & Painting for Mindfulness & Creativity was with art tutor Emma Burleigh. Again, there was a wide range of experience as well as an open-minded approach using simple pens, pencils, crayons and paints. Wonderful comments and a few pieces (it was a very personal, mindful workshop so not so much sharing of work) can be viewed here.
George Boyter was warmly welcomed in our first 'real' face to face workshop in September - Drawing Unocked! Everyone had a productive day, with some very complimentary feedback, and George commented "We had a great session yesterday - please let the participants know that I enjoyed our time together. They all did so well."
Our final workshop for 2021 An Introduction to Impressionistic Watercolours with Catherine Beale really brightened up November! Participants were introduced to a specific style of watercolour and were able to explore behaviours of the paints as well as other textures. Watercolours have proved to be a popular choice in earlier feedback, and with this workshop having a waiting list watercolours are very likely to be included in 2022 workshops.